Market research services


Valuable, reliable insights

If you want to get high quality, relevant information about your target market, you've come to the right place.

We're proud of our people, both internally within Purple Corporation, and the tens of thousands of participants we connect with every day.

But what makes us an industry leader in data quality?

A large and diverse database of participants, so we can always provide responses, no matter how large your sample size.

A more engaged database, which makes for more high quality respondents that won't let you down.

Our experienced team brings years of industry experience to every project we work on.

Our services

Whether you need a light touch service to fill a gap in your research process, or you need a fully managed project execution, we can help you.

For agencies and market researchers

If you already have a brief, we're the perfect recruitment solution. We can provide respondents that fit your sample size, demographics, lifestyle and values to a tee. This will provide you with a laser focused group of research participants who are engaged and reliable.

Project management

If you need help with the logistics of conducting your research project, we will deliver. Our project management services include arranging a suitable and convenient venue, engaging a qualified and experienced moderator, and ensuring that all participants arrive, ready to offer their thoughts and opinions.

Bolt-on services

We provide services and processes that bolt on to yours, allowing us to assist whilst remaining a seamless part of your service to your client. We can provide individual elements that are necessary for a successful project, respondent incentives, professional note-taking, session recording and transcripts, translation, and final reports and summaries. We can also connect you with live sessions via live streaming and provide a direct interface, through Focus Vision, or whichever solution you use.

Businesses love our work

We've consistently delivered valuable market research, to businesses large and small.


We've addressed some of the most commonly asked questions about our market research services.

How much experience do you have in market research?

The Purple Corporation incorporates over 30 years of experience through the integration of Tallygate Research and Replenish QR expertise.

What is your main area of expertise?

We operate across a range of industries and have likely undertaken a project for a business in your industry already. If you would like more information on the kinds of projects we've done in your industry, contact us.

What is your typical turnaround time?

This will depend on the scope of the project, but to give you an idea of how proactive we are in approaching projects: if you were to give us a brief, we could recruit participants to suit your brief in anywhere from 3 days to 2 weeks depending on your brief and sample requirements.

Can you provide examples of prior projects and case studies?

In the interests of our clients, we don't reveal any identifiable information about the businesses we work with. However, in some cases we are able to provide case studies with names removed to give you an idea of the scope and results of the project. Contact us to find out more.

We're accredited and certified

When commissioning market research you need to know that your provider not only offers you a great service, but that they're working in your best interests and protecting your information.

We're proudly ISO certified which means we have quality checked systems for providing you with a solid, reliable service, and we are always optimising how we do things as part of our commitment to continual improvement.

Not only that, but we're endorsed by the Association of Market & Social Research Organisations for our approach to privacy and ethics, which means you can be sure we prioritise your privacy and operate to the highest ethical standards.

ISO certified endored by market and social research organisation logos

Considering working with us?

We deliver valuable, relevant and reliable insights to businesses. No matter the industry or scope of your project, we can help.